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Home > Joining The ECWS > Membership Enquiry

Joining the English Civil War Society can be a confusing matter for those unsure of the requirements, roles or if there are any units or groups nearby.

Though this website cannot direct or advise on which group you could join,  it will aid you in choosing by listing the two armies that make up the English Civil War Society and the regiments within each army. Please note this is not a complete listing as not all have the facility to create a website.

The Armies are –

The Kings Army

The Roundhead Association

Or you may wish to submit a membership information request, this form is sent to the Armie(s) of your choosing and the administration within each Army will direct your request to the nearest unit or units.

Membership Enquiry Form

    Choose an Army

    Choose a Role (required)
    Living HistoryArtilleryCavalryMusketeerPikeman


